Our power washing services go beyond simple cleaning; they rejuvenate your home’s exterior, preparing it for years of exposure while boosting its curb appeal. Whether it’s siding, roofing, or your deck, our approach removes dirt, algae, mold, and all other elements that can wear down your home’s surfaces.
Anchor Facility Services brings over 35 years of family-owned expertise to every job, revitalizing homes with top-notch residential power washing services. Our specialized techniques, including both power washing and soft washing, are tailored to protect and beautify your property, preserving its charm and extending its life.
Keep the outside of your home looking pristine. Our home exterior washing services:
We improve the safety and curb appeal of your surfaces to make them look freshly installed. We offer:
Improves safety and look of hard surfaces including driveways, walkways, concrete pads, and fences for a fresh look.
Every home is unique, which is why we offer customized cleaning plans to match the specific needs and challenges of your property. Whether you have intricate landscaping, sensitive surfaces, or hard-to-reach areas, our team is equipped with the expertise to handle it all with care.
Power washing is more than just a cleaning service; it’s a preventative maintenance measure that can significantly increase the longevity of your home’s surfaces. By choosing our residential power washing services, you’re not only enhancing the curb appeal of your home but also warding off potentially costly repairs caused by the buildup of harmful substances like mold, mildew, and dirt. Our skilled technicians use the latest technology and eco-friendly cleaning agents to deliver a clean that protects both your investment and the environment.
Ready to see the difference residential power washing can make for your home? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can bring out the best in your home’s exterior with our residential power washing and soft washing services. Transform your home’s appearance and protect its value today!
What Area Do You Service?
We service both Pennsylvania and New Jersey. In Pennsylvania we service Bucks County, Montgomery County, Chester and Delaware County. In New Jersey we service Burlington, Camden, Mercer and Gloucester Counties.
Why is siding cleaning important?
Over time, siding collects dirt, mold, and algae, which not only dulls its appearance but can also cause long-term damage. Regular cleaning maintains your home’s curb appeal and protects the siding from wear.
How does roof cleaning help my home?
Roof cleaning removes moss, algae, and debris that can lead to roof deterioration. Keeping your roof clean prolongs its life and prevents issues like leaks or structural damage.
What happens if I neglect gutter cleaning?
Clogged gutters can cause water to overflow and damage your home’s foundation, roof, and walls. Routine gutter cleaning ensures proper water drainage and prevents costly repairs.
Is exterior window cleaning really necessary?
Yes! Dirty windows not only affect your home’s appearance but can also degrade the window materials. Professional cleaning keeps windows spotless and prolongs their life.
How often should I have my deck or patio cleaned?
At least once a year, especially before summer. Regular cleaning prevents the buildup of grime, mold, and mildew, making your outdoor space safer and more enjoyable.
What makes pool deck cleaning essential?
A pool deck can become slippery due to algae and dirt buildup, posing safety hazards. Cleaning ensures the surface stays safe and visually appealing for poolside activities.
Why should playground cleaning be prioritized?
Children’s play areas can accumulate dirt, bacteria, and allergens. Regular cleaning provides a safer, more hygienic environment for your kids to play in.
How does driveway cleaning improve my property?
Cleaning removes oil stains, dirt, and debris, making your driveway look fresh and enhancing the overall curb appeal of your home. It also prevents long-term damage to the surface.
What benefits come from concrete pads and walkways cleaning?
Clean walkways and concrete surfaces not only look better but are safer as well. Removing algae and mildew prevents slips and keeps these areas well-maintained.
How does fence cleaning help my property?
Over time, fences can accumulate dirt and mold, which can cause wear and affect their appearance. Regular cleaning extends the life of your fence and keeps your property looking tidy.
What’s the difference between power washing and soft washing?
Power washing uses high-pressure water, best for hard surfaces like concrete and driveways, while soft washing uses a low-pressure method combined with detergents, ideal for delicate surfaces like siding and roofs.
How often should I schedule these cleaning services?
For most homes, annual cleaning is recommended, but high-traffic areas or surfaces exposed to harsh weather conditions might need more frequent attention.
Are the cleaning solutions safe for my landscaping?
Yes, our team uses eco-friendly, biodegradable cleaning products that are safe for your plants, pets, and the environment.
Can I clean these surfaces myself?
While DIY cleaning can work for small tasks, professional services ensure deep cleaning, the right techniques, and prevent damage to your home’s surfaces.
How can I schedule a service with Anchor Facility Services?
You can easily schedule your cleaning by contacting our team through our website or phone. We’ll help you determine which services suit your home’s needs.